Alabama Rights Restoration Coalition

Our Mission

ARRC is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the automatic restoration of voting rights for formerly convicted felons who are no longer under any government supervision. We feel the disenfranchisement of formerly convicted felons is a discriminatory practice that does not reflect democratic ideals because citizens who are not under the purview of the criminal justice system do not have their full rights granted to them by restricting the right to vote. This restriction of such a right, in combination with other restrictions post-release, increases recidivism through the flawed re-entry program because of a sense of hopelessness and a feeling that one has never truly served their full sentence. In turn, increased recidivism decreases public safety through the increase of crime. 

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"There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives." -Audre Lorde, Writer and Civil Rights Activist